Campaign Overview
Dublin City Sport & Wellbeing Partnership and FUTURE PROOF MEDIA partnered together for the Promotional Campaign for Dublin Sportsfest 2019.
To achieve this we used the #ThisIsMyDublin concept which included everything from a marketing strategy to creative services.

Campaign Strategy | “This Is My Dublin”
Dublin, like all cities, is far from perfect but it is our city and we love it for many reasons.

The #ThisIsMyDublin campaign highlighted what makes Dublin so special to all who live here and showcased the great work of the Dublin City Sport & Wellbeing Partnership.
Everyone has their own personal experience of Dublin and we intend to embrace our differences & unite.
#ThisIsMyDublin acted as the vehicle to build an enthusiastic community who want to partake in Sportsfest 2019.
Content Created

Social Media Results

Campaign Launch
The launch contained ambassador recruitment, photography, videography, and media interviews.
Ambassador Recruitment
Several high-profile sports stars with a clear relationship with Dublin City were recruited to act as ambassadors for DCSWP Sportsfest to partake in a national media launch & content creation day.
Brand-centric photography was captured on the day for use within national print & online media, while also providing an opportunity for promotion on Social Media.
We captured an on-theme video centred around the ambassadors & their relationship with the city of Dublin, incorporating the reasons why they are looking forward to Sportsfest.
Media interviews
Media interviews were organized with ambassadors to highlight why people should attend the Sportsfest. All interviews will be accompanied by official photography providing the direct link to the Sportsfest sign-up pages.
Campaign Ambassadors

Campaign Public Relations Results

Additional Campaign Elements